Pashto Grammar Pdf

22 min readJun 27, 2021


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A Reader of Pashto. Reprinted 2009 with an Introduction by Ismail Sloan. New York: Ishi Press. Provides 25 authentic texts in Pashto script with transliteration, glossary, writing exercises and English translation. Pashto Grammars. Habibullah Tegey and Barbara Robson 1996. A Reference Grammar of Pashto. Washington DC: Center for. A Reference Grammar of Pashto (PDF). Washington: Center for Applied Linguistics. ↑ Tegey, Habibullah; Robson, Barbara (1996). A Reference Grammar of Pashto (PDF). Washington: Center for Applied Linguistics. David (2014). A Descriptive Grammar of Pashto and its Dialects. De Gruyter Mouton. ISBN 978–1–61451.

Part of a series onPashto languageWriting SystemsDialects

  • Wazirwola
    Central Pashto
  • Southern

Language regulationAcademy of Sciences of Afghanistan
Pashto AcademyNative to

  • Pakistan
    Pashtun diaspora

Pashto is a S-O-V language with split ergativity. Adjectives come before nouns. Nouns and adjectives are inflected for gender (masc./fem.), number (sing./plur.), and case (direct, oblique I, oblique II and vocative). The verb system is very intricate with the following tenses: present; subjunctive; simple past; past progressive; present perfect; and past perfect. In any of the past tenses (simple past, past progressive, present perfect, past perfect), Pashto is an ergative language; i.e., transitive verbs in any of the past tenses agree with the object of the sentence. The dialects show some non-standard grammatical features, some of which are archaisms or descendants of old forms that are discarded by the literary language.

Pashto has a rich number of dialects due to which the language has been spelled several ways in English: Pashto, Pakhto, Pukhto.[1]


Personal pronouns

SingularPlural1st2nd3rd (visible)3rd (invis.)1st2nd3rd (visible)3rd (invis.) Masc. Fem. Masc. Fem.(English) I you (sing.) he she he (invis.) she (invis.) we you (plur.) they they (invis.)Direct زه
zə ته
tə دی
dai دا
dâ هغه
hağa موږمونږ
muẓ̌/mung تاسوتاسی
dūy هغوی
hağūyIndirect ما
mâ تا
tâ دۀ
də دې
de هغۀ
hağə هغې

Demonstrative pronouns

دغه dağa (this)

Direct دغه
dağaIndirect دې

هغه hağa (that)

SingularPlural Masc. Fem.Direct هغه
hağaIndirect هغۀ
hağə هغې
hağe هغو

Possessive pronouns

Independent forms

Person Singular Plural1st زما
zmâ زموږزمونږ
zamuẓ̌/zamung[2]2nd ستا
stâ ستاسو
stâso3rd (visible) د دۀ
də də (masc.)

د دې
də de (fem.)

د دوی
də dui3rd (invis.) د هغۀ
də hağə (masc.)

د هغې
də hağe (fem.)

د هغوی
də hağui

Enclitic forms

Person Singular Plural1st ـمې
-me, -me ـمو
-mo, -mu2nd ـدې
-de, -dí ـمو
-mo, -mu[2]3rdـیې

Interrogative pronouns

t͡sokد چا
də čâIndirectچا



Pashto inflects nouns into four grammatical cases: direct, oblique I, oblique II and vocative. The oblique I case is used as prepositional case as well as in the past tense as the subject of transitive verbs, and the oblique II case is used as ablative case.

The following table shows the declension of the masculine noun غر (ğar, meaning ‘mountain’):

SingularPluralDirect غر
ğar غرونه
ğrūnaOblique I غرۀ
ğrə غرونو
ğrūnōOblique II غره
ğara غرونو
ğrūnōVocative غره
ğra غرونو

The following table shows the declension of سړی (saṛai, meaning ‘man’), a masculine noun with ending ‘ai’:

SingularPluralDirect سړی
saṛai سړي
saṛiOblique I سړي
saṛi سړيو
saṛəyōOblique II سړيه
saṛəya سړيو
saṛəyōVocative سړيه
saṛəya سړيو

The following table shows the declension of ښځه (ṣ̌ədza, meaning ‘woman’), a feminine noun with ending ‘a’:

SingularPluralDirect ښځه
ṣ̌əd͡za ښځې
ṣ̌əd͡zēOblique I ښځې
ṣ̌əd͡zē ښځو
ṣ̌əd͡zōOblique II ښځې
ṣ̌əd͡zē ښځو
ṣ̌əd͡zōVocative ښځې
ṣ̌əd͡zē ښځو

The following table shows the declension of the feminine noun ورځ (wradz, meaning ‘day’):

SingularPluralDirect ورځ
wrad͡z ورځې
wradzēOblique I ورځ
wrad͡z ورځو
wradzōOblique II ورځه
wrad͡za ورځو
wradzōVocative ورځې
wrad͡zē ورځو


There are two genders: masculine and feminine.


There are two numbers: singular and plural.


There is no definite article. But when necessary, definiteness may be indicated by other means such as demonstratives. Likewise, it may be contraindicated by use of the word for ‘one’, يو; as in ‘يو روغتون’ — ‘a hospital’.


An adjective is called stāynūm in Pashto [ستاينوم]. The adjectives or stāynūmūna agree with the nouns they modify in gender, number, and case.

Class 1Class 2Class 3Class 4Class 5MasculineSingular Direct- -ay Oblique II-a -aya -i Vocative -e Oblique I- -ə -iPlural Direct Oblique/Vocative-o -io/-o -yo/-oFeminineSingular Direct-a -əy -e Oblique II Vocative-e Oblique IPlural Direct Oblique/Vocative-o -əyo/-o -yo/-o


  • In the plural, both obliques and the vocative merge into a single form.
  • Singular Oblique I and plural Direct always merge into a single form.
  • The above two conditions mean that there can be at most five distinct forms for masculine adjectives (but in fact, no class distinguishes more than four).
  • For feminine adjectives, singular Oblique I and Vocative merge, while singular Direct and Oblique II merge; combined with mergers noted previously, there can be at most three distinct forms for feminine adjectives.
  • Classes 2 and 3 have stem and stress alternations among different cases. Class 3 has a basic distinction between the masculine singular Direct, Oblique II and Vocative, with stem stress, and all other forms, with a (sometimes) different stem and with ending stress (e.g. masc. trīx, fem. traxá ‘bitter’; masc. sūr, fem. srá ‘red’; masc. sōṛ, fem. saṛá ‘cold’; fem. raṇā ‘light’ with only one stem). Class 2 has the same stress alternation, but has three distinct stems, with stressed stem vowel ‘o’ or ‘u’ in masculine singular Direct, Oblique II and Vocative, unstressed stem vowel ‘ā’ in masculine singular Oblique I and plural Direct, and unstressed stem vowel ‘a’ in all other forms (e.g. masc. sing. pōx, masc. plur. pāxǝ́, fem. paxá ‘ripe, cooked’).


In Pashto, an affix is called تاړی [tâṛay].[4] An affix is an addition to the base form or stem of a word in order to modify its meaning or create a new word.


These are attached at the beginning of words. Here is a list of the most common ones:

Prefix Meaning نا a negative prefix to nouns or particles having the same meaning as English ‘un, in, dis, non’ etc بې this means ‘without’. When prefixed to words it is equivalent to the English ‘dis, less’ etc بيا this means again. When prefixed to words it is equivalent to English ‘re’ هم this means same, equivalent. When prefixed with the word it is equivalent to the English ‘co and homo’ ګڼ this means crowded and numerous. When prefixed with the word it is equivalent to the English ‘multi’ دوه this means two. When prefixed with the word it is equivalent to the English ‘bi’

A list of Examples:

WordEnglish MeaningPrefixed WordEnglish Meaningنا
وړ suitable ناوړ unsuitableبې
کور home بې کوره homelessبيا
جوړول to make بيا جوړول to remakeهم
[زولی [نارينه]، زولې [ښځينه age همزولی، همزولې coevalګڼ
هېواديز national ګڼ هېواديز multinationalدوه
اړخيز aṛx= side, xíz = adjective forming suffix دوه اړخيز bilateral


These are attached at the end of a word. Here is a list of the most common ones:

Prefix Meaning توب this is affixed to nouns and adjectives to form masculine concept/abstract nouns. تیا this is affixed to nouns and adjectives to form feminine concept/abstract nouns. ي this is affixed to noun to make adjectives. ي a suffix also used to create nouns of profession.يز [masculine]
يزه [feminine] adjectival suffix. Used to make adjectives from nouns. Becomes ‘yiz’ if preceded by a vowel e.g. سوله=سوله ييز من suffix that forms nouns and adjectives that mean possessing a quality or object ور an adjective forming suffix to show endowment/possession. ښت this is affixed to adjectives (including verbal adjectives) to show a state of being ګلوي this is affixed to nouns to form feminine concept/abstract nouns mostly to do with association e.g پیژند ګلوي, پلار ګلوي etc والی this is affixed to nouns and adjectives to form masculine concept/abstract nouns. ولي this is affixed to nouns and adjectives to form feminine concept/abstract nouns. ځی this makes nouns denoting place of the actionنه this is the most common suffix used to makes nouns from verb. The new suffixed word has feminine gender.ون less frequently used than نه. This also creates nouns from verbsونکی [masculine]
ونکې [feminine] The verb’s or the compound-verb’s ل is dropped and this suffix is added to create an agent noun showing that the noun is the doer of the action [example: جوړول to make — جوړوونکی — maker].اک this is used to make only two nouns [خوراک and څښاک] denoting consumable noun. Like Japanese particle もの.تون used to create nouns of place. Meaning the ‘(main) place of’ پال [masculine]
پاله [feminine] means someone is the cherisher/nourisher of the word attached. It is like Persian پرست but unlike پرست only used for agentive nouns not as an adjective.پالنه makes concept/abstract nouns showing the root’s cherishing/fostering. Like Persian پرستيواکي makes nouns which signify ‘mastery of’, ‘rule of’ or ‘endowment with in quality’ with the root word. Related to word واک [authority].وال makes nouns showing that noun is a resident of that place, is engaged in the activity indicated in the root word, possessor of the root word. Like English suffix ‘er’, ‘or’ and ‘ist’.ګر used to form an actor noun. Denoting maker, doer, worker etc of the root.چي a agent-noun suffix borrowed from Ottoman Turkish. Only used with borrowed words.ګوټی a diminutive suffix. Example مېز [table] — مېزګوټی [small table].وزمه suffix to indicate something is like/similar to the root word but not that word. Also used to denote shades of colour.ګنۍ suffix for nouns expressing kinship/relationships وړ [masculine]
وړه [feminine] this is used exactly as the English -able. Forms adjectives meaning fit/able to be done or suitable to.يالی [masculine]
يالۍ [feminine] forms adjectives from nouns. The adjective shows a quality that can be possessed. غاړی [masculine]
غاړې [feminine] forms actor/agent nouns that have to do with an art/skill [example: لوبغاړی, سندرغاړی]. Also used to create adjective/nouns related to the throat [غاړه] such as بوږغاړی [harsh sounding]چک an adjectival suffix showing that the new word is ‘somewhat’ like the root word. Similar to ‘ish’ suffix in English.ډله this means group. It can be used as suffix to denote team, group, company etcهار according to Z. A. Pashtoon: ‘suffix used to form onomatopoeic words indicating the repetition or intensification of a sound’. according to H. G. Raverty: a suffix ‘affixed to nouns signifying sound of any kind, in forming the plural’.

Pashto Grammar In Urdu Pdf

A list of Examples:

WordEnglish MeaningPrefixed WordEnglish Meaningتوب
بربنډ nude بربنډتوب nudeness/nudityتیا
روغ healthy روغتيا healthي
ولس nation ولسي nationalي
ترکاڼ carpenter ترکاڼي carpentry يز/يزه
لمر sun لمريز
لمريزه solarيز/يزه
وټه economy وټه ييز
وټه ييزه economicمن
ځاځ anger ځاځمن angryور
ګټه profit ګټور advantageousښت
جوړ made/built جوړښت structureګلوي
پلار father پلارګلوي paternityوالی
اوږد long اوږدوالی length/heightولي
ورور brother ورورولي brotherhoodځی
ښوول to teach ښونځی schoolنه
غوښتل to demand غوښتنه demandون
بدلول to change بدلون changeونکی /ونکې
شنل to analyse شنونکی
شنونکې analystاک
خوړل to drink
to eat څښاک
خوراک drink
پوهنه knowledgeپوهنتونuniversity پال/پاله
مېلمه guest مېلمه پال
مېلمه پالهhostپالنه
مېلمه guestمېلمه پالنهhospitalityواکي
پلار fatherپلارواکيpatriarchy وال
ليک writingليکوالwriterګر
کوډه magic کوډګرmagicianچي
توپ cannonتوپچيcannoneerګوټی
کتاب bookکتاب ګوټیbookletوزمه
تور black تور وزمهblackishګنۍ
مور father
mother پلارګنۍ
خندا laughterخنداوړ
خنداوړهlaughable يالۍ /يالی
ننګ honorننګيالی
ننګيالۍhonorableغاړې /غاړی
سندره songسندرغاړی
سپين white سپين چکwhitish ډله
لوب root word of
play لوبډلهteam (sports)هار
پړکslap/clap پړکهارclapping/sounds of claps


  • Pashto has three tenses: Past, Present and the Future tense. The future tense is the same as present tense with the exception of markers.
  • Aspect: Pashto in every tense has perfective aspect [بشپړاړخ][5] and imperfective aspect [نابشپړاړخ]. The Perfective Aspect indicates completion of an action while the Imperfective Aspect indicates continuous or habitual action.
  • Pashto Verbs can be classed as Simple Verbs, Irregular Verbs and Doubly Irregular Verbs.
  • Verbs [کړۀ] agree in person and in number with either the objects or subjects of sentences, depending on tense and construction. Agreement is indicated with affixes following the verb stem which indicate person and number.

Verbal Suffixes

Pashto utilises verbal suffixes [د کړ تاړې]. It is easy to demonstrate these in Regular Verbs in the Imperfective.

Present Tense

Gəḍēẓ̌ is the present imperfective stem of the verb Gaḍedəl [to dance].

Number Person Verbal Suffix Example TranslationSingular 1st Person م
əm زه ګډېږم
Zə Gaḍeẓ̌əmI am dancing 2nd Person ې
e ته ګډېږې
Tə Gaḍeẓ̌ēYou are dancing 3rd Person ي
i دی/دا ګډېږي
Day/Dā Gaḍeẓ̌iHe/She is dancingPlural 1st Person و
ū موږ ګډېږو
Muẓ̌ Gaḍeẓ̌u We are dancing 2nd Person ئ
ai تاسو ګډېږئ
Tâso Gaḍeẓ̌ai Your are dancing 3rd Person ي
i دوی/هغوی ګډېږي
Dui/Hağui Gaḍeẓ̌iThey are dancing

Past Tense

Gəḍēd is the past stem of the verb Gaḍēdəl [to dance].

Number Person Gender Verbal Suffix Example TranslationSingular 1st Person م
əm زه ګډېدم
Zə GaḍedəmI was dancing 2nd Person ې
ē تۀ ګډېدې
Tə GaḍedeYou were dancing3rd Person Masculine ۀ
ə or
o دی ګډېدۀ
Day Gaḍedə
دی ګډېدو
Day GaḍedoHe was dancing Feminine ه
a دا ګډېده
Dâ Gaḍeda She was dancing Plural 1st Person و
ū موږ ګډېدو
Muẓ̌ Gaḍedu We were dancing 2nd Person ئ
ai تاسو ګډېدئ
Tâso Gaḍedai Your were dancing3rd Person ل
əl دوی/هغوی ګډېدل
Dui/Hağui GaḍedəlThey were dancing Feminine ې
e دوی/هغوی ګډېدې
Dui/Hağui GaḍedeThey were dancing

The Verb ‘to be’

The Verb to be is irregular in Pashto and does not have an infinitive form.

Present Imperfective

Present Imperfective tense of ‘to be’:

Person Singular Plural1st زه يم
zə yəm

زه يمه
zə yəma

موږ يو
muẓ̌ yū2nd ته يې
tə ye تاسو يئ ياست
tâso yai
(in Western dialect — yâst)[2][6]3rd دی دی
day day[2]

دا ده
dâ da

دوی دي
dūy di

The word شته [shta] is also used; this is the third person singular and plural of the present tense of the verb to be.

Sentence Literal Meaning Meaning پړنګ شته ؟ Tiger there-is/are (exists) ? Is there a tiger ? نشته not-there-is/are There isn’t

Present Perfective form

Present Perfective tense of ‘to be

Person Singular Plural1st زه شم
zə shəm موږ شو
muẓ̌ shu2nd ته شې
tə she تاسو شئ
tâso shai2nd (command) ته شه
tə sha 3rd دی شي
day shi

دا شي
dâ shi

دوی شي
dui shi

Past Imperfective form

Past Imperfective tense of ‘to be’:

Person Singular Plural1st زه وم
zə wəm

زه ومه
zə wəma

موږ وو
muẓ̌ wu2nd ته وې
tə we تاسو وئواست
tâso wai
(in Western dialect — wâst)[2]3rd (masc.) دی ؤ
day wo دوی ووول
dui wu
(in Western dialect — wəl)[3][6]3rd (fem.) دا وه
dâ wa دوی وې
dui we

Past Perfective form

Past Perfective tense of ‘to be’:

Person Singular Plural1st شوم/شولم
zə shwəm/shwələm موږ شوو/شولو
muẓ̌ shwu/shwəlu2nd ته شوې/شوې
tə shwe/shwəle تاسو شوئ/شولئ
tâso shwai/shwəlai3rd (masc.) دی شوۀ/شو
day shwə
(in Northeastern dialect — de sho دوی ووول
dui wu3rd (fem.) دا شوه
dâ shwa دویشول
dui shwəl

Future Tense

In Pashto the Future Tense [ راتلونکی مهال][7] is the same as the Present Tense [اوسنی مهال][8] with the exception that in the future tense the marker به [bə] is added; به has a similar meaning to will/shall in English. In the Third Person Future Tense, also, irrespective of number or gender وي is used.

To Be in Future Tense

Future TensePresent TensePronounبه يم يم زه به يويو موږ/مونږبه يېيېتهبه يئ يئتاسو/تاسی به وي دی دی، هغۀ به ويدهدا، هغهبه ويدي دوی، هغوی

Simple Irregular

These are verbs whose Past Stems differ from their Present Stems like english think vs thought,

a) where ل is replaced by ن in the Present Tense:

Verb MeaningPresentPast Perfective Imperfective Perfective Imperfectوژل
wažəl to kill -و وژن
wə/we wažən- -وژن
wažən- -(و وژ(ل
wə/we waž(əl)- -(وژ(ل

b) where و is added in the middle in the Present Tense:

Verb MeaningPresentPast Perfective Imperfective Perfective Imperfectبلل
baləl to call -و بول
wə/o bol- -بول
bol- -و بلل
wə/o baləl- -بلل

c) The verb ختل [to climb]:

Verb MeaningPresentPast Perfective Imperfective Perfective Imperfectختل
xatəl to climb -و خېژ
wə/o xež- -خېژ
xež- -(و خت(ل
wə/o xat(əl)- -(خت(ل

d) where دل is dropped in the Present Tense:

Verb MeaningPresentPast Perfective Imperfective Perfective Imperfectپېژندل
pežandəl to know -و پېژن
wə/o pežan- -پېژن
pežan- -(و پېژند(ل
wə/o pežand(əl)- -(پېژند(ل
obdəl to weave -و اوب
wə ob — اوب
ob- -(و اوبد(ل
wə ob(əl)- -(اوبد(ل

Doubly Irregular

These are verbs whose imperfective and perfective stems differ as well as their present and past stems. The difference between perfective and imperfective is carried by stress; in perfective the stress is on the first part of the verb whilst in imperfective the stress is on the last syllables.
Here is list of these verbs with their verbal stems [note without verbal suffix]:
a) ښودل, as a part of the verb.

Verb MeaningPresentPast Perfective Imperfective Perfective Imperfectiveکېښودل
kex̌odəl to put -کېږد
keẓ̌d- -ږد
ẓ̌d- -(کېښود(ل
kex̌od(əl)- -(کېښود(ل
prex̌odəl to leave -پرېږد
preẓ̌d — پرېږد
preẓ̌d- -(پرېښود(ل
prex̌od(əl)- -(پرېښود(ل

b) The verb ‘to go’:

Verb MeaningPresentPast Perfective Imperfective Perfective Imperfectiveتلل
tləl to go -لاړ ش
lâṛ sh- -ځ
d͡z- -لاړ
lâṛ- -(تل(ل

c) The verb ‘to take’ [to a place]:

Verb MeaningPresentPast Perfective Imperfective Perfective Imperfectiveبوتلل
botləl to take [to a place] -بوځ
bod͡z- -بياي
byây- -(بوتل(ل

Idiosyncratic Third Person Form

Some doubly irregular verbs have idiosyncratic 3rd Person forms in the past forms, parallel to the idiosyncratic forms of the simple irregular verbs.

The list:

Verb MeaningPresentPast3rd Person Sing. Masc.3rd Person Plural. Masc. Perfective Imperfective Perfective Imperfectiveراتلل
râ tləl to come (towards 1st Person) -راش
râ sh- -راځ
râ d͡z- -راغل
râ ğl- -(راتل(ل
râ tl(əl)- راغی
râ ğayدرتلل
dar tləl to go (towards 2nd Person) -درش
dar sh- -درځ
dar d͡z- -درغل
dar ğl- -(درتل(ل
dar tl(əl)- درغی
dar ğayورتلل
war tləl to go (towards 2nd Person) -ورش
war sh- -ورځ
war d͡z- -ورغل
war ğl- -(ورتل(ل
war tl(əl)- ورغی
war ğayننوتل
nənawatəl to enter/get-in -ننوځ
nənawad͡z- -ننوځ
nənawad͡z- -(ننوت(ل
nənawat(əl)- -(ننوت(ل
nənawat(əl)- ننوت
prewatəl to fall or to lie-down -پرېوځ
prewad͡z- -پرېوځ
prewad͡z- -(پرېوت(ل
prewat(əl)- -(پرېوت(ل
prewat(əl)- پرېوت
wṛəlto take-يوس
wṛ — يووړ
yowṛ — وړل
wṛal-وې ووړ


This is called Kaṛnūmay [کړنومی] in Pashto that is “the name of a verb”.[9] It shows an infinite action or occurrence. In Pashto the verb acquires the gender and number of a masculine plural noun. They are formed from the verbal root and end with the verbal suffix: ل. Example:

هغوی په خپلو کې وهل وکړل

Hağui pa xpəlo ke wahəl wə-kṛəl

Literally: They in themselves in ‘to beat’ done

Meaning: They have fought amongst themselves

The verb وکړل [past tense of verb کړل — perfective state of ‘to do’] shows agreement with masculine plural object that is the infinitive وهل.

Type of Infinitives

There are various types of infinitives.

Simple Infinitives

They are in there morpheme state. Examples: تلل [to go], وتل [to go out], ګرځېدل [to walk], ګرځول [to make someone/thing walk] etc.

Prefixed Infinitives

These are formed by attaching a prefix to the simple infinitive. These prefixes are usually directional/locative in nature.Examples:
1. را + تلل = راتلل
Râ [locative towards speaker] + Tləl [to go] = Râtləl [to come]
2. ور+ کول = ورکول
War [locative towards third party] + Kawəl [to do] = Warkawəl [to give]

Compound Infinitives

There are two categories of compound infinitives. There are also some exceptions to these.

First Category

These are formed by adding ول [from کول] and ېدل [from کېدل] verbal-suffixes to nouns, adjectives or adverbs. The attaching noun, adjective and adverb should not end in a vowel. Example:
ښخ [buried, adjective] — ښخول [to bury, verb]

Second Category

These are formed adding auxiliary verbs کول and کېدل to the noun and adjectives. The attaching noun and adjective end in a vowel.Examples:
1. پوښتنه [question, noun] — پوښتنه کول [to question, verb]
2. لېشه [seductive, adjective] — لېشه کېدل [to become seduced, verb]


There are also exception to the attachment of auxiliary verbs on the basis of vowel endings. Example: سوچ کول etc.

Phrasal Infinitives

This is done by adding words with infinitives to make a metaphoric meaning.

Examples Literal Meaning توره کولto do swordto perform a brave actتڼۍ شلول to tear button(s)to toil/endeavour Double Infinitives

These are formed by combining two infinitives.
Either by combining a Simple Infinitive with a Prefixed Infinitive.

Simple Infinitive Prefixed Infinitive Double Infinitive تلل [going] راتلل [coming] تلل راتلل [coming and going]ګرځېدل [to walk/wallking] راګرځېدل [to repass] ګرځېدل راګرځېدل [walking about]

Or either by combining two Simple Infinitives.

Simple Infinitive 1 Simple Infinitive 2 Double Infinitiveخوړل [eating] څښل [drinking] خوړل څښل [eating drinking] وهل [beating/hitting] ټکول [knocking] وهل ټکول [beating]

Prepositions and Postpositions

Pashto has pre-positions, post-positions and pre-post-positions. Adpositions generally govern either oblique or ablative caseassignment to their objects. [10]


There are two Preposition in Pashto:
1. د [də] meaning ‘of’
2. په [pə] meaning ‘with’ and ‘at’

Example Transliteration Literal Meaning د سړي لاس Də saṛi las Of man hand A man’s hand سړي په چاړې پړی پرې کړ Saṛi pa čäṛe paṛay pre kəṛ [ko] man with knife rope cut [past-tense کړل] The man cut the rope with a knife په يوه بجه Pa yawa baje At 1 O’Clock At 1 O’Clock


In Pashto there is the dative post-position: ته.

Example Transliteration Literal Meaning کور ته ځم Kor d͡zəm House to (i) am-going I am going to the house


Pashto uses a significant amount of ambipositions (circumpositions). These usually have two elements, with the noun object positioned between the two elements.

The first element is likely to be ones of these four elements:

Pashto Transliteration په pə له lə تر tər

The second element is likely to be one of these words:

Pashto Transliteration لاندې lânde پسې pasē نه na پورې pore سره sara کې/کښې ke/kx̌e باندې bande څخه t͡səxa

Here is a list of the most common formations:

Pashto Meaning Example Example’s meaning په … کې in, at په سيند کې in the river په … پسې after په ما پسې after me په … باندې on, upon په مېز باندې on the table له … سره with له سړي سره with a man تر … لاندې under تر مېز لاندې under the table له … څخه from له سړي څخه from a man له … نه from له سړي نه from a man د … نه from د سړي نه from a manتر … پورې till تر پېښور پورې till Peshawarتر … وروستو afterتر خوراک وروستو after food

Sometimes in colloquial Pashto, the word له is dropped from نه and سره.

Pashto Colloquial Pashto له سړي نه سړي نه له سړي سره سړي سره

The first element must be dropped when the object of the pre-position is a weak pronoun. Examples:

Example Sentence Meaning سړی ور سره ځي A man is going with him/her سړي ور سره ځي Men are going with him/her چاړه مې در نه واخس I took the knife from you ليک ور باندې ايښی دی The letter is on it

Pashto Grammar Books Pdf


A number of common phrases translate into English prepositional phrases, which in Pashto consist of combinations of prepositional phrases and additional words.

Some Examples:

Components Phrase Meaning Sentence Meaning له..نه + پخوا
From+Before له .. نه پخوا before له تا نه پخوا راغله She came (here) before youله…نه+ بهرر
From+Outside له … نه بهر outside له ور نه بهر ولاړ و He was standing outside the door

In phrases that start with the possessive phrase د [də] plus noun, the possessive phrase [də/د] can be substituted for with a weak possessive pronouns.Examples:

MeaningSentence where د not dropped’MeaningSentence with weak possessive pronouns Meaningد … په اړه
də pə aṛa about[note 1] د سړي په اړه يې څه ووی What did he say about the man زما په اړه يې څه ووی What did he say about meد … په شان
də pə šân like د سپوږمۍ په شان ښځه غواړم I want a wife like the moon ستا په شان ښځه غواړم I want a wife like you


Pashto utilises conjunctions. These are used as adverbs. Example:

Conjunction Transliteration Literal Meaning English Approximate هيڅ کله نه hīt͡s kəla na nothing when no never, at no time که هر څنګه kə hər t͡sənga if ever how howsoever, in whatever wayراځه چې rād͡za chē come that (come) let’s تر اوسه پورې tər osa porē till now upto/till so far, as yet, up till nowتر دغه پورې tər dağa porē till this till as far as thisتر کله پورې tər kala porē till when till till when?, how long? تر کمه پورې tər kəma porē till where till how far, to where


Pashto has subject-object-verb (SOV) word order as opposed to English subject-verb-object (SVO) word order. In intransitive sentences where there is no object Pashto and English both have subject-verb (SV) word order.[11]

In Pashto, however, all modifiers precede the verb where as in English most of the verbal modifiers follow the verb.[12]

Phrasal Syntax

Pashto exhibits strong head-final order in noun phrases and verb phrases.[13]

Noun Phrases

Pashto noun phrases generally exhibit the internal order Determiner — Quantifier — Adjective — Noun.[14]

Adpositional phrases

The salient exception to the head-final principle can be found in adpositional phrases, given the existence of prepositions, postpositions, and circumpositions.[15]

Verb phrases

Generally, head-final order is found also in the verb phrase, with the verb, if any, as the final element. Relative clauses and sentence-level modifiers may appear in postclausal position.[16]

Light Verb Constructions

Pashto has a robust system of light verb constructions (LVC), two-word expressions that are semantically interpretable as a single predicate. Only one of the two canonical types — those of the form Noun/Adjective + Verb (N-V).[17]

As verbs are a closed class in Pashto, the LVC is the only means of creating new verbal forms in the language; it is also used as a way of importing loanwords, with the borrowed word filling the complement slot.[18]

The inventory of light verbs in Pashto should not surprise anyone familiar with LVCs. In addition to the verbs کېدل /kedəl/ ‘to become’ and کو ل /kawəl/ ‘to make; to do’, which we refer to as the intransitive and transitive verbalisers when they act as light verbs, Pashto uses the verbs اخیستل /axistəl/ ‘to take’, وهل /wahəl/ ‘to beat’, نيول /niwəl/ ‘to seize; to grasp’, and ایستا /istəl/ ‘to throw out’ as light verbs, as in thefollowing examples:

  • سا اخیستل — ‘to breathe’ < سا /sā/ ‘(f.) breathing, respiration’
  • ڼېل وهل — ‘to push, shove (one another)’ < ڼېل /ṭel/ ‘(m.) push, shove’[19]

Adjective complements of N-V LVCs always show agreement with the undergoer of the action of the verb, which is in turn marked in accordance with Pashto’s system of split ergativity. Nominal complements are usually treated as the direct object of the verb, and are therefore also case-marked according to split-ergative alignment. The undergoer of the action, on the other hand, cannot be a direct object, as the verb can have at most two arguments; it is instead indicated by an adposition and accordingly case-marked oblique.[20]

Elements in the verbal groupThe verbal group in General Pashto

Certain particles can be inserted between:

  • The aorist prefix و /wə/́and its verb.
  • A prefix or pseudo-prefix and its verb. (This includes both the a-initial complex verbs and second conjugation, or prefixed, verbs.)
  • The complement of a denominal verb and its verbalizer.[21]

The particles that interact with verbs in this way are:

  • The modal clitics به /bə/ and د ې /de/
  • The weak personal pronouns, or pronominal clitics م ې /me/ , دې /de/ , یې /ye/ , and مو /mo/
  • The adverbial clitics خو /xo/ and نو /no/
  • The negatives نه /ná/ and مه /má/

Modals, weak personal pronouns, and adverbials are all second-position clitics. They also obey strict rules of ordering relative to each other. Tegey (1977) reports the following ordering of enclitics between verbal components: خو /xo/> به /bə/> { مو /mo/| مې /me/| دې /de/| یې /ye/} > نو /no/. If the first syllable of the verb does not carry stress (that is, if it is a non-aorist form), the negative precedes the verb, and the clitics follow the negative. Also, if an aorist form is negated, the negative marker — not the initial syllable of the verb — takes the stress.[22]

Negative placement in the aorist verb phrase

The negative particle نه /ná/ nearly always precedes the verb and is placed as close to the verb stem as possible. In aorist constructions, it therefore follows the aorist marker و /wə/ for simplex verbs, and either initial /a/, the prefix, or the light verb complement for complex verbs. Because it carries an inherent stress, it takes the main stress in an aorist verb phrase.[23]

Pashto and Borrowings

Contemporary Pashto contains a lot of Persian and Persianised-Arabic[24] words, although Pashto equivalents for these words often do exist.[25][26]

‘Pure’ Pashto Persian loanArabic loanEnglish translationهيله
[27] اميد
umid hopeاړتيا
zarurat necessityتود/توده
garm warmنړۍ
dunyâ world

Borrowed Phonology

The sounds /q/, /f/ are non-native Pashto sounds borrowed from Arabic and Persian. The phonemes /q/, /f/ tend to be replaced by [k], [p].[32] So for instance, the Arabic word فرق would be pronounced as /par(ə)k/.

Greeting Phrases

Greeting Pashto Transliteration Literal MeaningHello ستړې مه شې stəṛe mə she May you not be tired ستړي مه شئ stəṛí mə shai May you not be tired [said to people]Thank You مننه manəna Acceptance [from the verb منل]Good Bye په مخه دې ښه pə məkha de x̌ə On your front be goodGood Bye خدای پامان xwdâi pâmán From: خدای په امان [With/On God’s mercy]Hello په خير راغلې pə xair râğle With blessing (you) came

Pashto Grammar Pdf


Cardinal Numbers(direct case, masc.)[33]

PashtoPronunciationنشت[34]nasht0یوyaw, yo1دوهdwa2درېdre3څلورtsalor4پنځهpindzə5شپږšpəg6اووهowə7اتهatə8نه، نههnə, nəha9لسlas10یوولسyawolas11دوولسdwolas12دیرلسdyārlas13څوارلس، څورلسtswarlas, tswārlas14پنځلسpindzəlas15شپاړسšpāṛas16اووه‌لسowəlas17اته‌لسatəlas18نونس, نورلسnunas, nurlas19شلšəl20یوویشتyavwišt21دوه‌ویشتdwawišt22درویشتdərwišt, dreyšt23څلېرویشتtsalerwišt24پنځه‌ویشتpindzəwišt25شپږویشتšpagwišt26اوه‌ویشتowəwišt27اته‌ویشتatəwišt28نه‌ویشتnəwišt29دېرشderš30یودېرشyawderš31دودېرشdwaderš32دریدېرشdrederš33څلوردېرشtsalorderš34پنځه‌دېرشpindzəderš35شپوږدېرشšpugderš36اوه‌دېرشowəderš37اته‌دېرشatəderš38نه‌دېرشnəderš39څلوېښتtsalvešt40پنځوسpindzos50شپېتهšpetə60اویاawya70اتیاatya80نويnwi, nəwi90سلsəl100یوسلویوyaw səlo yav101یوسلودوهyaw səlo dwa102یوسلوشلyaw səlo šəl120دوه‌سوهdwa sawa200دوه سوه او لسdwa sawa aw las210درې سوهdre sawa300زرzər1000یوزرویوyaw zəro yaw1001یوزرودوه‌سوه اوپنځه‌دېرشyaw zəro dwa sawa aw pindzəderš1235لکlak100 000ملیونmilyon1 000 000کروړkroṛ10 000 000ملیاردmilyard1 000 000 000

Ordinal Numbers(direct case, masc., sing.)

  • 1st لومړی lumṛai
  • 2nd دويم dwaim
  • 3rd دريم drəyam
  • 4th څلورم t͡saloram
  • 5th پنځم pind͡zam
  • 6th شپږم špaẓ̌am
  • 7th اووم ūwam
  • 8th اتم atam
  • 9th نهم nəham
  • 10th لسم lasam


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  1. ↑ په بارې کې [pə bâre ke] is also used but this is a word-for-word borrowing from Hindi/Urdu के बारे में/کے بارے میں [kē bārē mēⁿ]. The Hindi word bārē [बारे/بارے] is itself from Persian در بارهٔ [dar bārayedar bāreye]


  1. ↑ Tegey, Habibullah; Robson, Barbara (1996). A Reference Grammar of Pashto(PDF). Washington: Center for Applied Linguistics. p.4.
  2. Лебедев К. А. Афганистан: Язык, литература, этнография. — Москва: ‘Муравей’, 2003.
  4. ↑ Neologism Dictionary [M. A. Zeyar]
  5. ↑ Neologism Dictionary [M. A. Zeyar]
  6. Short Summary of Pashto Grammar
  7. ↑ Pashto Garshod [M. S. Wakili]
  8. ↑ Pashto Garshod [M. S. Wakili]
  9. ↑ Neologism Dictionary [M. A. Zeyar]
  10. ↑ Anna B. David (2014). A Descriptive Grammar of Pashto and its Dialects. De Gruyter Mouton. p.399. ISBN978–1–61451–303–2.
  11. ↑ Tegey, Habibullah; Robson, Barbara (1996). A Reference Grammar of Pashto(PDF). Washington: Center for Applied Linguistics. p.178.
  12. ↑ Tegey, Habibullah; Robson, Barbara (1996). A Reference Grammar of Pashto(PDF). Washington: Center for Applied Linguistics. p.179.
  13. ↑ Anna B. David (2014). A Descriptive Grammar of Pashto and its Dialects. De Gruyter Mouton. p.399. ISBN978–1–61451–303–2.
  14. ↑ Anna B. David (2014). A Descriptive Grammar of Pashto and its Dialects. De Gruyter Mouton. p.399. ISBN978–1–61451–303–2.
  15. ↑ Anna B. David (2014). A Descriptive Grammar of Pashto and its Dialects. De Gruyter Mouton. p.400. ISBN978–1–61451–303–2.
  16. ↑ Anna B. David (2014). A Descriptive Grammar of Pashto and its Dialects. De Gruyter Mouton. p.401. ISBN978–1–61451–303–2.
  17. ↑ Anna B. David (2014). A Descriptive Grammar of Pashto and its Dialects. De Gruyter Mouton. p.401. ISBN978–1–61451–303–2.
  18. ↑ Anna B. David (2014). A Descriptive Grammar of Pashto and its Dialects. De Gruyter Mouton. p.401. ISBN978–1–61451–303–2.
  19. ↑ Anna B. David (2014). A Descriptive Grammar of Pashto and its Dialects. De Gruyter Mouton. p.401. ISBN978–1–61451–303–2.
  20. ↑ Anna B. David (2014). A Descriptive Grammar of Pashto and its Dialects. De Gruyter Mouton. p.403. ISBN978–1–61451–303–2.
  21. ↑ Anna B. David (2014). A Descriptive Grammar of Pashto and its Dialects. De Gruyter Mouton. p.403. ISBN978–1–61451–303–2.
  22. ↑ Anna B. David (2014). A Descriptive Grammar of Pashto and its Dialects. De Gruyter Mouton. p.403 to 404. ISBN978–1–61451–303–2.
  23. ↑ Anna B. David (2014). A Descriptive Grammar of Pashto and its Dialects. De Gruyter Mouton. p.406. ISBN978–1–61451–303–2.
  24. ↑ John R. Perry, ‘Lexical Areas and Semantic Fields of Arabic’ in Éva Ágnes Csató, Eva Agnes Csato, Bo Isaksson, Carina Jahani, Linguistic convergence and areal diffusion: case studies from Iranian, Semitic and Turkic, Routledge, 2005. pg 97: ‘It is generally understood that the bulk of the Arabic vocabulary in the central, contiguous Iranian, Turkic and Indic languages was originally borrowed into literary Persian between the ninth and thirteenth centuries’
  25. ↑ Ehsan M Entezar (2008). Afghanistan 101: Understanding Afghan Culture. Xlibris Corporation. p.89. ISBN978–1–4257–9302–9.
  26. ↑ Carol Benson; Kimmo Kosonen (13 June 2013). Language Issues in Comparative Education: Inclusive Teaching and Learning in Non-Dominant Languages and Cultures. Springer Science & Business Media. pp.64–. ISBN978–94–6209–218–1.
  27. ↑
  28. ↑
  29. ↑
  30. ↑ Zahid Qamos Pashto Glossary [Zahid Mishwanai]
  31. ↑
  32. ↑ Tegey, Habibullah; Robson, Barbara (1996). A Reference Grammar of Pashto(PDF). Washington: Center for Applied Linguistics. p.15.
  33. ↑ M A Zyar (2012). Pashto Dictionary (Neologisms) (2 ed.). Peshawar: Danish Press. p.363.
  34. ↑ Neologism Dictionary [M. A. Zeyar]

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External links

  • Anne Boyle David, ‘Descriptive Grammar of Pashto and its Dialects’
  • Habibullah Tegey & Barbara Robson ‘’A Reference Grammar of Pashto’’(PDF). (1996) Center for Applied Linguistics
  • Herbert Penzl, A Grammar of Pashto: A Descriptive Study of the Dialect of Kandahar, Afghanistan
  • Georg Morgenstierne, ‘AFGHANISTAN vi. Paṧtō’, Encyclopaedia Iranica
  • Longnow, Rosettaproject, Pashto, Southern Grammar
  • Mohammad Abid Khan & Fatima-Tuz-Zuhra, ‘Towards the Computational treatment of the Pashto Verb’ 18(1) Scientific Khyber Pages: 123–141 (2005)
  • Noor Ullah, ‘Pashto Grammar’ (2011), ISBN 978–1–4567–8007–4
  • M. Zyar, ‘ليک لارښود — Writing Guide’ (2006)


  • Literature and poetry (List of poets)


  • Cinema
  • Music (List of singers)
  • Television (List of television channels)

Related topics

  • Pashto Academy (Pakistan)

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